Spouse Tours
Looking for some adventures for your spouse/family while your attending the Annual Session? The Kentucky Affiliate has organized some exciting tour opportunities. Click here for details and the registration form. |
States' Night Out
Looking for ideas for States' Night Out? Here, you will find a list of downtown restaurants in Lexington http://www.visitlex.com/whattodo/restaurants.php?SubCat=336. You also may call the Lexington Visitor Center at (800) 845-3959 if you need to find restaurants with private rooms. |
Check Out Our Exhibitors & Sponsors!
Click here to view the exhibit hall diagram.
Gold Sponsor American Cleaning Institute Booth #21

Thank you NEAFCS members for helping ACI keep families safe in their laundry room! Our work continues to prevent accidents from occurring in the home, and we need your continued support. Stop by our booth to learn more about how to get involved in our campaign, see our new animated video, take our KEY Pledge for a chance to win a laundry room makeover, receive our free educational materials and join our photo wall of fame. www.cleaninginstitute.org and www.keypledge.org.
Phone: (202) 6632-2509 Web Site: www.cleaninginstitute.org E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Nancy Bock, Sr. VP, Education
Silver Sponsor  ConAgra Foods Booth #1

ConAgra Foods is one of North America's leading food companies with brands in 99 percent of America's households and the trusted name behind several leading brands including: Healthy Choice, Hunt's, Egg Beaters, and PAM. Visit our health professional website at www.ConAgraFoodsScienceinstitute.com.
State Sales Tables
State Sales Tables are available for the purpose of states raising funds for special projects or to raise funds for a future Annual Session. It is not meant for states to contract with a commercial business who receives a portion of the profits. States should receive 100% of the profits. Click here to download a State Sales Table Application. Click on the Read More button below to find out more details about State Sales Tables.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Better, Safe and Sustainable Living with New Product Innovations for the Home
Presented by Nancy Bock, Senior Vice President, Education, American Cleaning Institute
This promises to be a different type of session! We will be asking NEAFCS members to help shape this session over the summer months by sharing questions about product safety, new products, sustainability or others that you have difficulty answering. (Send your questions to [email protected]) ACI will work with industry experts to answer your questions during the session.
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