2017 Annual Session

Hilton Omaha & Convention Center
October 16-19

Annual Session Photos

Annual Session photos are now available at

Annual Session Onsite Program

Click here to download the Annual Session Onsite Program

CEU & PDU Information
The Annual Session has been approved by the following:

American Association of Family & Consumer Science (AAFCS)
PDUs Approved:  38 CFCS; 20.5 CPFFE; 6.5 CNWE

Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE)
Hours Granted - 15
Upon completion of the approved program, each AFCPE certified professional must complete the Individual CEU Form: https://my.afcpe.org/credits/new and include proof of participation. 

National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) / Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE)
Contact Hours - 27 OR 2.7 CEUs towards CFLE credential 

If you are in need of a Certificate of Completion from the 2017 NEAFCS Annual Session, please email us at elane@executiveoffice.org.

Thank You To Our Sponsors!



Thank You To Our Exhibitors

2018 Annual Session - San Antonio, TX
325 John Knox Rd. Suite L103
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Phone: (850) 205-5638
Email: elane@executiveoffice.org
Website: www.neafcs.org
Contact Name: Elizabeth Lane
Product/Service Description: Save the date and join us in San Antonio September 24-27, 2018.

AAFCS (American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences)
400 N. Columbia Street Ste. 202
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 706-4600
Email: staff@aafcs.org
Website: www.aafcs.org
Contact Name: Abby Wells
Product/Service Description: AAFCS is a broad-based membership organization that helps connect FCS professionals across multiple practice settings and content areas to share knowledge, research and experience. 

American Cleaning Institute

1331 L. Street, NW Suite 650
Washington, District of Columbia 20005
Phone: (202) 662-2507
Email: nbock@cleaninginstitute.org
Website: www.cleaninginstitute.org
Contact Name: Nancy Bock, Senior Vice President
Product/Service Description: Thank you NEAFCS members for supporting our educational efforts for better and cleaner living since 1969! We are proud of our strong partnership and together we have shared knowledge with millions of families. You are invited to stop by our booth and learn about the revolution of the Cleaning Matters Newsletter, new PACKETS UP! campaign and Cold Water Saves initiative.

American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) 
2840 West Bay Dr. 141
Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770
(727) 940-2658 X 2002
Contact Name:
Dr. Ginger Phillips
Product/Service Description:
ACCI is the leading consumer policy research and education organization consisting of a world-wide community of researchers, educators and related professionals dedicated to enhancing consumer well-being. ACCI promotes the consumer interest by encouraging, producing and communicating policy-relevant research. 

American Income Life Special Risk Division 
PO Box 50158
Indianapolis, IN 46250
(800) 849-4820
Contact Name: 
Erin Bain, 4-H/Extension Client Relations
Product/Service Description:
The Special Risk Division of American Income Life is America's largest insurer of 4-H and Extension Programs. We have been "Serving Those Who Serve Others" since 1952 and believe strongly in the mission and vision of Extension. 

CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health)
601 FlagHouse Drive
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
Phone: 877-247-7890
Email: info@catchinfo.org
Website: www.flaghouse.com/catchinfo.org
Contact Name: Monica Sharkey, Sales Administrative Assistant
Product/Service Description: CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) evidence-based program proven to prevent childhood obesity for over 25 years! CATCH sustains healthy learning environments with curricula, training, and evaluation tools designed to promote physical activity, healthy food choice habits for youth Pre K - Grade 8. Also includes family. USA approved.

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
1206 W. 23rd Street
Fremont, NE 68025
Phone: (402) 727-2775
Email: ashley.mueller@unl.edu
Website: eden.lsu.edu
Contact Name: Ashley Mueller, Extension Educator 
Product/Service Description: The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) links Extension educators from across the U.S. and various disciplines, enabling them to use and share resources to reduce the impact of disasters.

Extension Journal Inc.
22500 Road 21
Fort Morgan, CO 80701
Phone: (970) 768-0322
Email: luann.boyer@colostate.edu
Website: www.joe.org
Contact Name: Luann Boyer, NEAFCS JOE Rep.
Product/Service Description: Journal of Extension is a research-based and peer-reviewed resource which Extension Professionals can use for outreach and engagement throughout the year. EJI also hosts the National Job Bank providing a link for Extension professionals to Extension System employers through the U.S.

Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC 20580
Website: www.ftc.gov
Contact Name: Andrew Johnson, Project Manager
Product/Service Description: Free financial literacy and scam prevention publications for educators.

Home Baking Association
HBA, 723 Houston Street
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: (785) 478-3283
Email: hbadavis@gmail.com 
Contact Name: Sharon Davis, Program Development Director
Product/Service Description: Non-profit Home Baking Association provides current resources to support educators who teach foods, nutrition, personal financial fitness skills, and youth to promote life long learning and literacy, healthy lifestyles, STEM, cultural awareness and culinary art for individuals, families and communities. Take away ready-to-use, research-based resources for extension educators. 

Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP)
450 Falls Avenue Suite 106
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Phone: (208) 736-4495
Email: jcepoffice@jcep.org
Website: www.jcep.org
Contact Name: Bob Ohlensehlen, JCEP Executive Director 
Product/Service Description: Professional Organization that encompasses seven of the Extnsion professional organizations (NEAFCS, ANREP, Epsilon Sigma Phi, NACAA, NACDEP, NAE4-HA and NAEPSDP)

KSU 4-H Military Partnerships 
FSHS-Extn., 1324 Lovers Lane
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: (785) 556-0332
Email: mperez@ksu.edu
Website: www.4-hmilitarypartnerships.org
Contact Name: Michelle Perez, Project Coordinator 
Product/Service Description: The 4-H Military Partnerships is an Extension/Military collaboration that offers positive youth development experiences to military youth in an effort to provide consistent, predictable services for families that move often. Military youth participant in 4-H clubs, camps, and after school programs and families have access to Extension services nationwide. 

Learning ZoneXpress

667 E. Vine Street
Owatonna, Minnesota 55060
Phone: (888) 455-7003
Email: marybeth@learningzonexpress.com
Website: www.learningzonexpress.com
Contact Name: Mary Beth Anderson, Director, Educational Resources
Product/Service Description: Learning ZoneXpress creates fresh, engaging resources to promote nutrition, wellness, and physical activity. Our posters, handouts, banners and games help clients make positive, health-related behavior changes. Stop by to see why extension customers turn to Learning ZoneXpress and to pick up free samples of what works. For more information, visit www.learningzonexpress.com.

LifeWise Strategies/Money Habitudes
1180 A Pine Street
Hamilton, MT 59840
Phone: (406) 361-8012
Email: info@lifewise.us
Website: moneyhabitudes.com
Contact Name: Syble Solomon, President
Product/Service Description: Money Habitudes is the fun and easy way to start money conversations, gain instant insights into your money personality and understand why you spend, save, give and have debt. Available as the original card game and a new online version. 

Listen 2 Kids Productions 
PO Box 3954
Grand Junction, CO 81507
Website: www.listen2kids.net
Contact Name: Sue Polan
Product/Service Description: Our variety of divorce education support materials features the candid and compelling words of kids!

MedExpress Urgent Care
3100 Plainfield Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Contact Name: Megan Wabich, Field Marketing Coordinator 
Product/Service Description: MedExpress offers a wide range of urgent care, employer health and basic wellness and prevention services, including more advanced offerings such as X-rays, IVs, labs, minor surgery, stitches and treatment for broken bones and sprains. Centers are open every day from 8 AM-8 PM with no appointments necessary. 

Military Families Learning Network
College of Human Sciences
344C Spidle Hall Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (760) 641-9354
Email: tmeisenbach@extension.org
Website: https://militaryfamilies.extension.org/
Contact Name: Sarah Baughman, National Project Leader
Product/Service Description: The Military Families Learning Network (MFLN) engages military family service provides and Cooperative Extension educators in the exchange of experiences and research to enhance professional impact and encourage professional growth. 

National Endowment for Financial Education

1331 - 17 ST  STE 1200
Denver, Colorado 80202
Email: hsfpp@nefe.org
Website: www.hsfpp.org/fcs
Contact Name: Kimberly Roy, Manager HSFPP
Product/Service Description: The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) offers a suite of non-commercial personal finance resources at no cost: turnkey curriculum to teach teens, new financial workshop kits to facilitate adult workshops, and new online consumer course content for personal use or to share with your clients.

National Network of Libraries of Medicine
Creighton Health Sciences Library, 2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
Phone: (402) 280-4156
Email: annetteparde-maass@creighton.edu
Website: https://nnlm.gov/mcr
Contact Name: Annette Parde-Maass, Education & Outreach Coordinator 
Product/Service Description: The NNLM provides outreach and training on National Library of Medicine free, open health information resources. Topics include consumer health, emergency preparedness, and environment health. 

National Presto Industries 
3925 N. Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-839-2030
Email: nbecker@gopresto.com
Website: www.gopresto.com
Contact Name: Nancy Becker, Corporate Home Economist 
Product/Service Description: National Presto Industries dates back to 1905 where the company began manufacturing industrial size pressure canners known as "canner retorts." Today Presto remains a recognized brand for pressure vessels and is a leader in the electric housewares industry. Stop by our booth to view appliances, receive educational materials, and enter drawings for a pressure canner and Presto Test Unit. 

NEAFCS Marketing & Endowment 
Phone: 850-205-5641
Website: www.neafcs.org
Contact Name: Glenda Hyde, NEAFCS Vice President Public Affairs
Product/Service Description: Stop by and stock up on some marketing merchandise that shows your NEAFCS colors!  Add to your own collection of NEAFCS items or or pick up some thank you or appreciation gifts for colleagues, guest speakers, key committee chairs, and state affiliate members.  The booth also will host someone from the Endowment Committee to collect donations to the NEAFCS Endowment Fund. 

Newell Brands (formally known as Jarden Home Brands)
9999 E. 121st St.
Fishers, IN 46037
Phone: 800-240-3340
Email: JHBFreshPreservingInfo@jardenhomebrands.com 
Website: www.freshpreserving.com
Contact Name: Jessica Piper, Home Canning Expert
Product/Service Description: Newell Brands, Inc., the makers of the 130+ year old Ball home canning brand, continues to raise the bar on its iconic mason jar with product innovations and recipe development/validation. 

Noodle Soup
4614 Prospect Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103
Phone: (800) 795-9295
Email: jodi@noodlesoup.com
Website: www.noodlesoup.com
Contact Name: Jodi Yuhas, Marketing Director 
Product/Service Description: Low literacy education on nutrition and parenting. Super cute health promotions and giveaways. Come see our collection of "Little Books" that teach the whole family in a breezy, non-judgmental way. These children's books use the child's point of view, but are full of parenting basics. 

Quilts of Valor 
12517 U Road
Shelby, NE 68662
Contact Name: Eileen Krumbach, North Central Nebraska State Coordinator
Product/Service Description: Learn about this important service learning project in which 4Hers partner with the National Quilts of Valor Foundation to honor Veterans and service personnel touched by war. 

Rixstine Recognition
2350 'O' Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (402) 476-3810
Email: cs@rixstine.com
Website: fairawards.com
Contact Name: Scott Miller
Product/Service Description: Manufacture of awards, promotional products and apparel. Everything you need to promote or recognize your organization. 

The OrganWise Guys, Inc.
450 Satellite Blvd. NE, Suite M
Suwannee, GA 30024
Phone: (800) 786-1730
Email: sales@organwiseguys.com
Website: www.organwiseguys.com
Contact Name: Ali Swietek, Project Coordinator
Product/Service Description: The Sugar Association is the scientific voice of the U.S. sugar industry, making a difference by continuously supporting scientific research and sharing our knowledge of sugar to increase consumer understanding and confidence in the role that sugar plays in a nutritious, balanced and enjoyable diet. 

The Sugar Association
1300 L. St NW, Suite 1001
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 785-1122
Email: sugar@sugar.org
Website: www.sugar.org
Contact Name: Julie Green, Executive Admin Assistant
Product/Service Description: The OrganWise Guys (OWG) is an evidence-based, obesity prevention program that uses the school or child-care center as the hub of healthy activity to positively impact the community at large. OWG seamlessly integrates core curricula objectives and healthy living education while it connects with kids to incite lifelong behavior change.

USDA, FNS, SNAP-Ed Connection
3808 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
Email: snap-edconnection@fns.usda.gov
Website: https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/
Contact Name: Jennifer Anderson, Team Lead, Nutrition Consultant 
Product/Service Description: SNAP-Ed Connection helps spread the word #SNAPEdWorks! Come talk to us about showcasing your SNAP-Ed Success Stories. Pick up a free recipe booklet. Learn about our database of evaluation tools, seasonal produce guide, and copy-right free photo gallery. SNAP-Ed is a USDA program that helps people stretch their food dollars. 

USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture 
800 9th Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
Email: sydney.turner@nifa.usda.gov
Website: www.nifa.usda.gov
Contact Name: Sydney Turner, Program Specialist 
Product/Service Description: USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture Division of Family & Consumer Sciences advances family well-being and community vitality across the nation. The exhibit consists of resources, which will enable Extension to build capacity, including information on programs, grants, partnerships, and the Master Family & Consumer Sciences Volunteer Program. 

- The Oklahoma Affiliate will provide a unique variety of costume jewelry and accessories at an affordable price.  Items for sale will include rings, necklaces, bracelets and more.
Texas - Texas will be raffling quilts at our tables in support of our 2018 Annual Session.