NEAFCS 2019 National Award Winners
Click here to access a list of all of the 2019 Winners as a PDF. Click here to access the PDF of the 2019 Award Program Booklet.
Below you will find our virtual display of the National Award winners for 2019. Links to their winning applications are listed with each winner for your convenience.
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National Winner Details

Clean and Healthy Families & Communities Award
National Winners: Lorrie Coop, Texas "Food Safety in the Workplace" This worksite wellness program emphasizes the importance of handwashing when preparing, storing lunches and consuming foods on the job, for employees with no access to heat, refrigeration or handwashing facilities. Award Submission: File 1, File 2
Sally Garrett & Team, Texas "Cleaning with Care and Confidence in Your Day Care Center" The curriculum educates child care providers on proper cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting practices critical for healthy child care environments. Providers are able to prevent the spread of infections plus create a sense of wellbeing for parents. Team Members:Dianne Gertson, Michelle Wright, Hannah Krebs, Gayle Bludau, Denise Goebel, Jenifer Boening, Julie Gould, and Jodi Nerren Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3

Communications Educational Curriculum Package Award
1st Place National Winner: Matt Brosi & Team, Oklahoma "Co-Parenting for Resilience: A Trauma Informed Approach to Overcoming the Challenges of Divorce" Co-Parenting for Resilience is a multicomponent, research-based curriculum that reduces the stress and conflict associated with divorcing parents, and replaces it with the hope and resilience essential for well-adjusted children. Team Members: Ronald Cox, Katey Masri, and Brooke Montoya Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Stephanie Helms & Team, Alabama 3rd Place National Winner: Shannon Carter, Ohio
Communications Educational Publications Award
1st Place National Winner: Jami Dellifield & Team, Ohio "Your Thoughts Matter: Navigating Mental Health" If teens use only their peers or uncredible sources on the internet, (Wikipedia social media, etc) for their information, they can easily receive false facts. Teens are encouraged to find definitions of mental health from credible government websites. Team Members: Amanda Raines Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Katie Funderburk & Team, Alabama 3rd Place National Winner: Christopher Sneed & Team, Tennessee

Communications Internet Education Technology Award
1st Place National Winner: Julie England & Team, Florida "Improving Heart Health Through Virtual Education Series" The Essentials of Blood Pressure Management webinar series created improved heart healthy behaviors and reduced risk for heart disease through a collaboration between Extension and the university health care system. Team Members: Wendy Lynch, Wendy Dahl, Jana Anderson, Linda Bobroff, Michael Gutter, Heidi Radunovich, Rhonda Cooper-DeHoff, and Rajesh Mohandas Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Karen Franck & Team, Tennessee 3rd Place National Winner: Lori Hayungs & Team, Iowa
Communications Newsletters Award
1st Place National Winner: Brenda Marty-Jimenez, Florida "Apple Core Newsletter" This community outreach publication is aimed at educating local county citizens and beyond with up-to-date subject matter information of interest to families and consumers. It¿s written to positively impact behaviors. Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Jocelin Villarreal & Team, Texas 3rd Place National Winner: Jane Newton, Arkansas

Communications Photography Award
1st Place National Winner: Jheri-Lynn McSwain, Texas "Standing Tall with Honor" The Heart to Hands Club in Shelby County, Texas was developed to connect youth with military senior adults through recognition of service, sacrifice and valor. Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Lorrie Coop, Texas 3rd Place National Winner: Jessica Eubank, Georgia

Communications Radio/Podcast Program Award
1st Place National Winner: Carmen Long, North Carolina "Guard Your Card" 'Guard Your Card' on local radio features Extension Today provided facts and information to Medicare recipients and caregivers about the new Medicare cards and how to prevent fraud and abuse. Award Submission: File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner: Georgeanne Cook, Georgia 3rd Place National Winner: Emily Riddle Troutman, North Carolina
Communications Television/Video Program Award
1st Place National Winner: Dianne Christensen & Team, New Mexico "New Mexico FCS Agents Featured Monthly on New Mexico Living Morning TV Show" Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension agents have enjoyed a two year impactful collaboration with Channel 13 New Mexico Living morning show hosting monthly food and nutrition segments. Team Members: Cindy Schlenker Davies, Nicole Jacobs, Cydney Martin, Lydia Montoya, andDanielle Berrien Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Amanda Hardy & Team, Kentucky 3rd Place National Winner: Natasha Haynes & Team, Mississippi

Communications Written Press Releases Award
1st Place National Winner: Barb Struempler & Team, Alabama "Changing Lives, Changing Communities in Alabama" Changing Lives, Changing Communities in Alabama increases access of healthy foods and physical activities in rural counties with an adult obesity rate of greater than 40 percent. Team Members: Ruth W. Brock, Willie Lampley, Mitch Carter, and Margaret Lawrence Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Lindsey Stevenson & Team, Missouri 3rd Place National Winner: Shelly Barnes, Tennessee
Community Partnership Award
1st Place National Winner: Lynda Latta & Team, Oklahoma "Cash in on Quilt Trails: An Affordable Path to Stimulating Community Economics" Oklahoma Barn Quilt Trails help highlight rural communities' culture, history and beauty while promoting tourism and economic development. Barn Quilt Trails promote community pride and entrepreneurship skills for families economies. Team Members: Rhonda DeVor and Recia Garcia Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Laura Bittner, New Mexico 3rd Place National Winner: Carrie Shrier & Team, Michigan
Dean Don Felker Financial Management Award
1st Place National Winner: Nancy Vance & Team, Wisconsin "Small Savings Builds Big Dreams" Wisconsin Extension Educators provide parents and grandparents of young children with easy-to-use information about saving for their child's higher education through the Small Savings Build Big Dreams financial education initiative. Team Members: Chelsea Wunnicke, Peggy Olive, Jill Cholewa, Katie Gellings, Jeanne Walsh, Amanda Kostman, Lilliann Paine, Paula Hella, and Sandy Lang Award Submission: File 1
Early Childhood Child Care Training Award
1st Place National Winner: Lisa Franzen-Castle & Team, Nebraska "An Ecological Approach to (EAT) Family Style Dining: A Child Care Training Program to Improve Children's Healthier Food Choices" The Ecological Approach to (EAT) Family Style Dining childcare program aims to improve childcare providers' mealtime feeding practices and children's (3-5 years) dietary intake to prevent childhood obesity. Team Members: Dipti Dev, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Lynn DeVries, Tasha Wulf, LaDonna Werth, Ranae Aspen, Jaclynn Foged, Erin Kampbell, Paige Wernick, Beth Nacke, Lisa Poppe, Linda Reddish, Kayla Hinrichs, Emily Hulse, Donnia Behrends, Zainab Rida, Jean Ann Fischer, David Dzewaltowski, Saima Hasnin, and Jasmin Smith Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Lorie Stovall & Team, Texas 3rd Place National Winner: Kelli Brown & Team, Texas
Educator of the Year
National Winner: Amy Peterson, Nebraska "Educator of the Year" Since 1997, Amy Peterson designed, developed and presented food safety trainings to over 8,342 health care professionals, school food service, child care providers, state surveyors, teachers, 4-H staff, and youth. Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
Environmental Education
1st Place National Winner: Karen Roberts Mort & Team, New York "Hudson River Fish Advisory Outreach" Four Cornell Cooperative Extension Associations bordering the Hudson River partner with the NYS Department of Health to raise awareness about health advisories regarding consuming fish caught in this polluted river. Team Members: Diane Whitten, Jennifer Zunino-Smith, Jessica Marie Canale, Regina Keenan, Audrey Van Genechten, and Maureen Callamari Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Sherri Broderick, Kentucky
Excellence in Teamwork
1st Place National Winner: Lorrie Coop & Team, Texas "Career Exploration and Workforce Development in Rural Texas" Working together, providing students with an experience that goes beyond the classroom, this team has conducted a unique program called Career Day involving 9 counties and 13 school districts annually. Team Members: Jerry Coplen, Jennifer Rolston, Cody Myers, Michael Bowman, Seth Hall, Thomas Boyle, and Josh Kouns Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Kayla Wells & Team, Washington 3rd Place National Winner: Lynda Latta & Team, Oklahoma
Excellence Multi State Collaboration
1st Place National Winner: Susan Mills-Gray & Team, Missouri "Enhanced Food Safety Program Impact Using a Regional Approach to Program Evaluation" The North Central Regional Food Safety Team was formed to address the diverse issues, and initial focus was food preservation evaluation. Collective data impact was used to strengthen programming efforts. Team Members: Angela Shaw, Atina Rozhon, Barbara Ingham, Eileen Haraminac, Georgia Jones, Hope Kleine, Jeannie Nichols, Joellen Feirtag, Joyce McGarry, Julie Garden-Robinson, Lisa Treiber, Londa Nwadike, Megan Erickson, Michelle Jarvie, Shannon Coleman, and Yaohau Feng Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Daniel Remley & Team, Ohio

Extension Housing Outreach Award
National Winners: Michelle Parrott, Tennessee "Home is Where Your Heart Is" I am so glad that I can be a part of someone purchasing their first home and keeping it healthy and clean. Award Submission: File 1
Marilyn Albertson & Team, Utah "Utah State University Extension Online Homebuyer Education" The Utah State University Extension Online Home buyer Education Program was created by Utah State Extension and University partners to provide convenient, affordable education for pre-purchase home buyers across the country. Team Members: Stacy Abbott, Teresa Hunsaker, Ellie Hansen, and Lucy Delgadillo Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Rebecca Hagen Jokela & Team, Minnesota
Family Health & Wellness Award
1st Place National Winner: MaryBeth Hornbeck, Georgia "Fun with Fresh Food Rainbow Nutrition Program for Families" The Fun with Fresh Food Rainbow Nutrition program is designed for families to improve attitudes and behaviors around fruit and vegetable consumption through a series of short, interactive food demos. Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Tierny Foard & Team, Texas 3rd Place National Winner: Jennifer Parlin & Team, Arizona
Florence Hall Award
1st Place National Winner: Claudann Jones & Team, Texas "Florence Hall Award Application for Learn, Grow, Eat & Go!" The Learn, Grow, Eat and Go Program was administered by 10 counties reaching over 5800 students to promote healthy eating and lifestyles choices reaching over 5800 youth in East Texas. Team Members: Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Lynda Spence, Florida 3rd Place National Winner: Amy Robertson & Team, Idaho
Food Safety Award
1st Place National Winner: Suzanne Driessen & Team, Minnesota "Cottage Food: Keep it safe! Keep it legal!" Homemade products for sale are safer because of Extension's Cottage Food:Keep it Safe! Keep it Legal! program. Classes, online courses, a blog, newsletters and online publications educate this industry. Team Members: Award Submission: File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner: Patricia Brinkman & Team, Ohio 3rd Place National Winner: Shauna Henley & Team, Maryland
Greenwood Frysinger Award
National Winner: Sara Sprouse, Iowa "Mentoring Experience" According to her mentor, Patty, Sara is a quick learner, thoughtful, and diligent in understanding and adopting skills and knowledge to become a dedicated Extension professional! Award Submission: File 1
Human Development/Family Relationships
1st Place National Winner: Sarah Bercaw & Team, Delaware "Get Experience in Mindfulness" The Get Experience in Mindfulness program is a curriculum developed to increase individuals knowledge and skills in mindfulness and stress management. Participants learn stress coping techniques through hands-on activities. Team Members: Breanna Banks and Karen Johnston Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Matt Brosi & Team, Oklahoma 3rd Place National Winner: Patrice Powers-Barker & Team, Ohio
Innovation in Programming
1st Place National Winner: Lisa Barlage & Team, Ohio "#LHLW365 Texting for Health" With over 95% of Americans using cell phones, text messaging is a common form of communication. A State Innovation Grant helped this team to pilot and implement wellness text messaging. Team Members: Michelle Treber, Jami Dellifield, Tammy Jones, Beth Stefura, Pat Brinkman, Misty Harmon, Jenny Lobb, Lorrissa Dunfee, Amanda Bohlen, and Danae Wolfe Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Nelly Nelson & Team, Florida 3rd Place National Winner: Becky Hutchings & Team, Idaho
Innovative Youth Development Programming Award
1st Place National Winner: Jean Ince & Team, Arkansas "Teen Chef Academy" Agents from six counties taught a multi-session hands-on cooking school for teens. The youth learned practical meal preparation skills, healthy meal planning, new equipment and tools, plus team building skills. Team Members: Carla Due, Terrie James, Janet Cantrell, and Eva Langley Award Submission: File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner: Laura Bittner & Team, New Mexico 3rd Place National Winner: Laura Smith & Team, Georgia
Marketing Package Award
1st Place National Winner: Olivia Jones & Team, North Carolina "What's Cooking Marketing Campaign" With a goal of reaching a broader audience a unique marketing campaign, "What's Cooking" was developed. Implementation resulted in a 97% increase in class participation of the last two years. Team Member: Sherry Lynn Award Submission: File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner: Jheri-Lynn McSwain, Texas 3rd Place National Winner: Jennifer Grable, North Carolina
Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity Award
1st Place National Winner: Sara Croymans & Team, Minnesota "MFLN 2018 Virtual Conference - Cultural Competency Awareness, Action, and Advocacy" The Military Families Learning Network September 2018 three day virtual conference, Cultural Competency: Awareness, Action, and Advocacy featured six webinar sessions with 579 participants, storytelling journals and multiple interactive strategies. Team Members: Anita Hering, Sarah Baughman, Jessica Beckendorf, Maggie Beneke, Robert Bertsch, Rachel Brauner, Alicia Cassels, Jennifer Chilek, Andy Crocker, Robyn DiPietro-Wells, Hannah Hyde, Karen Jeannette, Debra Jennings, Jason Jowers, Kyle Kostelecky, Barbara L. Kornblau, Vickie LaFollette, Rebecca Lombardi, Melody McDonald, and Jenifer McGuire Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Louraiseal McDonald & Team, Texas 3rd Place National Winner: Surine Greenway & Team, Idaho
Past Presidents New Professional Award
National Winner: John Fuller, Missouri "Past Presidents Award - John Fuller" John Fuller is a Human Development & Family Science off-campus faculty member headquartered in Poplar Bluff, Missouri and has programming responsibilities in nine counties. Award Submission: File 1

Program Excellence Through Research Award
1st Place National Winner: Katherine Elizabeth Speirs, Arizona "The Feeding Young Children Study and Resulting Online Training" The Feeding Young Children Study identified role modeling as an area where early care and education teachers were not meeting best practices and guided program development. Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Lynn James & Team, Pennsylvania 3rd Place National Winner: LaKeshia Levi & Team, Georgia
School Wellness
1st Place National Winner: Sandra Bailey & Team, Montana "YOUTH AWARE OF MENTAL HEALTH: YAM EXTENSION" Youth Aware of Mental Health is an intervention for youth ages 14-16 offered in rural schools by Montana Extension. Evaluation results find reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms in participating youth. Team Members: Jane Wolery, Julie Riley, Mary Anne Keyes, Jasmine Carbajal, Kelly Moore, Kendra Seilstad, Jesse Fulbright, Janelle Barber, Roni Baker, Juli Thurston, Tara Andrews, Lisa Terry, Brenda Ritchie, Josie Evanson, Teatta Plain Feather, Mary Ruth St. Pierre, and Rene Kittle Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Schancey Chapman, Tennessee 3rd Place National Winner: Cathy Agan & Team, Louisiana
Snap-Ed/EFNEP Educational Program
1st Place National Winner: Alinda Cox, Texas "Walk Across Texas Youth" Jack County focused the Walk Across Texas Program on the Jacksboro Elementary Students who walked over 2400 miles, increased their activity rate and started making healthier food and drink choices. Award Submission: File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner: Danielle DeVries-Navarro & Team, Florida 3rd Place National Winner: Deepa Srivastava & Team, California

Social Media Education
1st Place National Winner: Jennifer Parlin & Team, Arizona "The Garden Kitchen Big Changes Start Small Social Media Campaign" The Garden Kitchen has had transformative program results during the last year by employing a strategic marketing campaign, Big Changes Start Small, on Facebook, Instagram, and Mailchimp list serve. Team Members: Jazmin Lopez, Rachael Hearne, Kayla Williams, Anna Cosgrove, and Sarah Whelan Award Submission: File 1
2nd Place National Winner: Shea Wilson & Team, Arkansas 3rd Place National Winner: Catherine Greenhaw, Texas
Social Media Education - Online Video
1st Place National Winner: Julia Wilson & Team, Kentucky "Social Recipes" Recipe videos are popular on social media. The Mammoth Cave Area FCS Agents worked together to create overhead fast framed videos featuring Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud and Extension Recipes. Team Members: Rachel Hance, Lynn Blankenship, Christy Ramey, Jamille Hawkins, Tracy Cowles, LaToya Drake, and Janey Cline Award Submission: File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner: Natasha Haynes & Team, Mississippi 3rd Place National Winner: Kylie Ludwig & Team, Kansas