NEAFCS Endowment 

Since 2021, the NEAFCS Endowment has awarded over $41,674 in grants and scholarships to NEAFCS members!

Endowment GRANT Project Proposals 

Interested in submitting a project proposal to receive a grant awarded from the NEAFCS Endowment?  Proposals are accepted annually through May 15th. The NEAFCS Endowment has awarded over $35,000 in grants since 2021!

Click here to submit your Endowment Grant Proposal


Interested in submitting an application to receive a scholarship to attend Annual Session awarded from the NEAFCS Endowment? Applicants MUST be a first time attendee to be considered. Applications are accepted annually through May 15th. In 2024, the Endowment awarded $5,250 in scholarships to members of NEAFCS to attend Annual Session.

Click here to read the 2024 endowment scholarship recipient reflections

Click here to submit your First Timer Scholarship Application

NEAFCS Endowment Donations

Donate Online Now 
Download Donation Form                                                  

Our Endowment Fund has a principal balance in excess of $300,000 that is to be kept permanently in the fund. The income earned on this fund can be used to advance the mission of the association, such as awards, scholarships, and other projects and services recommended by the majority of the Endowment Committee and approved by the majority of the Board.

Contribute to NEAFCS’s Endowment Fund to keep it financially positioned so it can keep fueling the profession -- its mission, its goals and, ultimately, its members. Help NEAFCS achieve its maximum strength so it can respond to the ongoing needs of you! Help us strengthen our Endowment’s foundation and keep NEAFCS viable, resilient and strong for decades to come.

Help insure a strong future for NEAFCS and Extension Family and Consumer Sciences programming and donate today. Contact one of the Endowment Committee Members to learn how to include NEAFCS in your will or estate plans.

Thank you to our Endowment Donors!
Click here to view current listing of NEAFCS Endowment Donors