Endowment Project Proposal

The deadline to submit an Endowment Grant is May 15, 2025. 

Click here to submit your endowment grant proposal.

To view an example of a successful grant proposal, click here.

To view Endowment Grant Resources from past recipients, click here.

Watch the 2022 NEAFCS Endowment Webinar by clicking here.



  • Proposals may be submitted annually before May 15 by NEAFCS committees, affiliates, or by any group of two or more members.  Proposals will only be accepted from groups of NEAFCS members and only one proposal per member group, committee or affiliate per year. 
  • Most grants should be within the $300 to $3,000-dollar range but larger amounts may be considered based on the scope and quality of the application. 
  • Grant funds cannot be used for NEAFCS member salaries or stipends. 
  • Proposals must focus on innovative ideas that benefit NEAFCS and its members and/or promote the profession of Family and Consumer Sciences in one or more of the designated areas of -
    • Leadership/Professional Development    
    • Awards & Recognition
    • Public Issues
    • Diversity

(Examples of innovative ideas might include projects that address a current state or national priority issue or that promote and increase the visibility of FCS Extension, and /or use new technology or outreach methods)

  • Proposals must meet the application criteria enumerated below and must be completed within one year of disbursement of the funds.  A one-year extension may be granted if a request is received before July 1 of the next calendar year.
  • Funds will be disbursed at the completion of the project when all receipts and the final report are submitted. 
  • The recipient will provide the endowment committee with a project update on or before July 1 each year until completion of project (maximum of 2 years).  
  • Project update will include a narrative of project progress or completion and an explanation of use of funds.  The summary should also include how recipient will share the project’s outcomes or product with other members.  
  • Recipients will be required to share information about their completed project through one of these methods:  presentation at a national association meeting (NEAFCS, PILD or JCEP) through a concurrent session or poster and/or presentation of a webinar through NEAFCS, and/or submission of a news article for NEAFCS newsletter.
  • The Endowment Committee will review proposals in May and forward selections to the Board for final approval for the June board meeting.  Grant recipients will be notified by July 1. 

Eligible Applications
Eligible applications are those that:

  • Arrive electronically by the designated due date and time noted in the proposal guidelines.
  • Heed all instructions contained in the proposal guidelines, including length & completeness of application.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all the documents submitted in the grant application package are complete, accurate, and current.

Format Requirements
To be considered, all application documents should adhere to these formatting guidelines:

  • All pages are numbered, including budgets and attachments.
  • All documents are formatted to 8 ½ x 11 paper.
  • All documents are double-spaced, 12 – 14 point, Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. Captions and footnotes may be 10 point, Times New Roman font. Font sizes in charts and tables, including the budget, can be reformatted to fit within 1-page width.
  • Narrative length should be no more than 5 pages.

The following areas are required in order to have a complete application.  Please upload PDF files only.

  • COVER PAGE (not to exceed one (1) page) that includes a table with the project title, project synopsis, program length, total amount of funding requested, and name and contact information for the application’s main point of contact
  • TABLE OF CONTENTS (not to exceed one (1) page) listing all documents and attachments, with page numbers
  • PROPOSAL NARRATIVE (not to exceed five pages)
  • BUDGET (preferably as an Excel sheet pdf) one (1) page
  • BUDGET NARRATIVE that includes substantive explanations and justifications for each line-item in the detailed budget spreadsheet and an explanation about additional sources of funds that may be used. NEAFCS does not allow indirect costs.
  • KEY PERSONNEL not to exceed one (1) page. List all NEAFCS members who are a part of your team, committee, or affiliate who are involved with this grant.
  • TIMELINE not to exceed one (1) page. The timeline of the overall proposal should include activities, evaluation efforts, and program closeout

If you would like to contact the Endowment Chair, Terri Mayhew, please email [email protected]