Endowment Annual Session Scholarships

The deadline to submit an application is May 15, 2025.

Click here to submit your First Timer Scholarship Application

Endowment Annual Session First Timer Attendee Scholarship Funds

NEAFCS Annual Sessions provide an eclectic and wide array of professional development and networking opportunities for its members. It’s been said that once you attend one, it’s easy to get hooked for life! It can also be financially challenging for some members to attend because of the cost. The Endowment is now offering a limited number of scholarships to help defray the cost of registration or lodging to attend Annual Session. This application is open to first-time attendees of the NEAFCS Annual Session only. The application deadline for these scholarships is May 15.

Scholarship Requirements:

  • NEAFCS members can receive only one (1) scholarship towards Annual Session per year equivalent to the cost of registration.
    • The scholarship does not include registration for educational offerings requiring additional fees such as Pre-Conference Workshops, In Depth Sessions, additional event tickets, etc.
  • Scholarship awardees will receive a special code to use when registering for Annual Session or for lodging at one of the host hotels. 
  • Attendance is required at all general sessions, the First Timer Orientation, the Regional Business Meeting and Awards, and the many ways to become more involved with NEAFCS such as attending concurrent sessions. 
  • Scholarship winners will not be charged a late fee if registering past the early-bird deadline. All scholarship winners must pre-register for Annual Session. 
  • Scholarships are NOT transferable. If the member receiving the scholarship is unable to attend, the scholarship will be forfeited. 
  • Reporting -Within 30 days after the Annual Session, awardees will be required to send a short (two to three paragraph) essay to the National Office reflecting on important Annual Session takeaways. This paragraph will be posted to the NEAFCS Endowment Fund webpage and shared in future NEAFCS news articles or social media posts. 
Format Requirements
To be considered, the 
following areas are required in order to have a complete application.  
  • Current Extension Job Title
  • Total Months/Years of Extension Employment
  • Number of Months/Years as an NEAFCS member
  • Initials confirming first time attendee
  • State any professional funds you have access to help cover conference costs. Include any scholarships/national awards to which you have applied to attend Annual Session. 

If you would like to contact the Endowment Chair, Terri Mayhew, please email [email protected]