News from the Galaxy Silent Auction Committee….
Carol S. Miller (OH)
It’s not too early to begin thinking about the silent auction at Galaxy this Fall. When you donate the items, you will declare which association the proceeds will go to. We expect that our revenues to the Awards fund will be as high as ever. And to do that, we will still need lots of terrific items donated from our Association.
One feature that will be different for NEAFCS will be the live auction. Five high value items from each Association will be chosen during check-in and put in the live auction. So we need to find five fabulous things that can be donated and bring significant funds at the auction!
Do you have a specific skill that you could donate? Do you quilt? Do you have a bed-sized quilt that you would donate? Or you might offer to make a t-shirt quilt for someone’s high school senior. Do you have a vacation home or time-share resort that you would offer someone to use? Would you be willing to donate tickets to a Broadway show to be purchased at the convenience of the purchaser? These are just a few ideas, so ….Stretch Your Imagination! And as always, keep an eye out for great things that fit will in a suitcase.
We would like to have an idea in advance what those high value items from NEAFCS might be. If you have something you’d like to donate, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] or Cheryl Spires at [email protected].