Home Baking Association $1,000 Educator Award
Deadline March 31
Sharon Davis, FCS Education, Home Baking Association
The Home Baking Association (HBA) exists to share the Best Practices of FCS, 4-H and Youth Extension Educators with others through our Educator Award program. Innovations by extension educators, their volunteers and the methods used to extend keystone habits like cooking and baking are awarded, annually.
The $1,000 overall award includes a trip for two to present for the HBA’s annual meeting Oct. 13-15, 2013, The Homestead, Hot Springs VA. Special recognition awards may be awarded for Best Community Reach, Best Hands-on Baking Activity, and Most Creative. All entries receive complimentary HBA teaching resources.
Please submit a working plan you’ve developed and used for a baking and food skill-building activity that has helped individuals, families and/or communities to use and “pass on” these vital skills. Entries are due by March 31.
Please learn how to enter the Home Baking Educator Award at http://www.homebaking.org/foreducators/educatoraward.html
Questions? Contact Charlene Patton, T: 785.478.3283 E: [email protected]