NEAFCS 2013 Slate of National Office Candidates
Amy Peterson, Immediate Past President and Chair of the National Nominating Committee is please to present the following slate of officers for your consideration for NEAFCS. “The committee worked hard to contact these candidates and provide the encouragement and information needed to secure their applications. We had so much interested from people from all four regions and know that you all will them all highly qualified.”
The NEAFCS National Board voted to approve the Slate of Candidates at the Spring Board Meeting. National Voting Delegates will select their candidates at their respective Central and Southern Regional Business Meetings on Tuesday for those Regional Director positions on September 17th from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Convention Center. The remaining slate will be voted on at the NEAFCS Business Meeting on Wednesday, September 18th from 9 -11 a.m. at the Convention Center.
If you are a voting delegate for your affiliate, it is your responsibility to read through these position statements. Encourage others in your affiliate to do the same, and decide as an affiliate which candidate you support for office. The position statements are following.
Peg Ehlers, IN |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I would welcome serving this organization I believe in. Throughout my Extension career, I have had very wonderful growing experiences with NEAFCS, and welcome the opportunity to grow with other members. I want to serve my fellow members and further the mission of NEAFCS. We build leaders for the future and provide innovative professional growth and development opportunities. I want to promote Extension Family and Consumer Sciences with the mission and goals of the Land Grant University Extension System. I have developed outstanding management skills during my career. This is just one of the necessary abilities I will bring to the office of President of NEAFCS. My top priority will be making sure the membership have a President who values fiscal responsibility and respect to every member.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? I believe in open communication, by representing the office as a leader, team member, and listener. I will continue to serve the NEAFCS membership, by addressing funding, maintain and increase membership. I want to more than sustain membership, I want to build membership. Each member should feel growth in their professional journey. I have had professional growth and received development opportunities. NEAFCS is making a different for members, I want to increase the nation-wide resources for education, information, networking, and partnerships. If elected, I have a monthly plan for each member to have a goal of professional development.
I pledge the Creed of NEAFCS:
As an Extension Educator my prime concern is people, I believe it is my responsibility to give the best of my ability and develop myself to be an effective educator. I accept the opportunity to empower individuals, families, and communities to meet their needs and goals through a learning partnership. May I always be willing to accept the challenges of the changing times.
Every voice is important and will be listened to, I will use my leadership skills to develop and a successful leadership team.
Treasurer (Two Candidates - Listed Alphabetically by Last Name)
Roxie Dinstel, AK |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I have been a member of NEAFCS for more than 30 years. I believe that members of the organization all have a responsibility to share in the leadership of our organization. I am excited about the opportunity to run for treasurer.
I see great opportunities and challenges as our organization moves forward. The state of our finances will determine what steps we will be able to make. It is important that we plan carefully to meet the needs of our organization. I have a good background in the area of finance and a willingness to serve in the capacity of treasurer.
I have also been an active member of NEAFCS long enough to know how important it is to mentor new professionals as they move forward to take on the leadership of our organization. Even as we work toward carrying on the work of the organization, we need to be looking at how to help new professionals take over the reins of NEAFCS.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? Encouraging involvement of members in NEAFCS. I think a great way to get involved in the organization is committee work. It's also how people stay interested in NEAFCS's future. As people serve on committees, they not only accomplish the necessary work, they become an integral part of the organization. This involvement will encourage them to increase their work and perhaps run for a national office. The more people who are involved in the work of our organization, the stronger we become.
We need to do a better job of reaching out to capable individuals who have not been as involved in our organization. People are simply not asked to participate. I would love to expand the number of active participants (not just members) in NEAFCS.
Sondra Ganus Apple, TN |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? Being a NEAFCS member has been one of most rewarding aspects of my Extension career. It has allowed me to gain a better understanding of Extension, not only on the state level, but all across the United States. I have served on various state committees and served on the state board for the majority of my membership. I view running for a national office as the next level of the association and something I would find gratifying. This would be my opportunity to give back to my association at the national level. I have many years of experience as Treasurer and feel I could be successful in the position.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? My main goal if elected for Treasurer would be to successfully maintain the financial records at the national level. I would take time to fully understand the responsibilities and take the time needed to be successful in fulfilling the required duties.
Vice President for Awards and Recognition (Two Candidates - Listed Alphabetically by Last Name)
Daryl Minch, NJ |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I believe that serving as a National Board member will allow me to give back to the organization and contribute to planning the future of NEAFCS and the profession. I chose to apply for the office of Vice President of Awards because the awards program is a vital function of NEAFCS. It recognizes the work of our members and gives us an opportunity to tell our story to decision makers, the public and each other. Ultimately, the awards program can help people to build on the success of others to facilitate partnerships, strengthen programming and perhaps increase funding.
As an active member of the Awards Committee for 19 years, I feel I have a good understanding of the value of the awards program to the membership and the responsibilities of the office. I have had the opportunity to serve on several sub-committees – Ceremony, Training & Development and Assessment. I have also helped at the Silent Auction and served on a panel for a concurrent session on successful awards applications. As part of my service on the Assessment Subcommittee in 2011, I helped draft criteria for five new award categories (school wellness, social networking, photography, human development / family relationships and family health and wellness). This broad experience will enable me to fulfill the duties of the office and facilitate the work of the sub-committees.
NEAFCS has provided me with a wealth of education, leadership and networking opportunities. As a national board member I will learn more about NEAFCS and the Extension system which will benefit me in my Family and Community Health Sciences position in New Jersey. I also feel this experience will enable me to better mentor other Extension professionals and train others as advocates.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? I will work to celebrate and share the award winning accomplishments of our members. Awards recognize excellence in Extension outreach and career achievements. NEAFCS and its members can use awards as a marketing opportunity. I will work with the Awards committee and the National Board to explore and utilize multiple methods to share the achievements of NEAFCS award winners within and outside of our organization. These may include highlighting various award categories on the website or in impact statements to tell our story or having a searchable database about award winning projects so other members may replicate these programs and or partner on projects or grants.
I also believe that the 100th Anniversary of Cooperative Extension in 2014 provides another opportunity to highlight the achievements of our members. I hope we can in integrate this theme into the Awards ceremony and marketing efforts in 2014.
Roxie Price, GA |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? Everyone deserves recognition for a job well done. I feel it is very important to encourage colleagues to apply for and receive awards. It is also necessary to have continued support for these awards. These honors are a reminder not only to the winners but to the individuals who support our hard work. I would enjoy following in the footsteps of my mentors who have shown me the significance of working hard for awards and recognition.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? During these hard economic times I would like to encourage our sponsors to continue to support our mission. Thinking outside the box and utilizing networking skills will be necessary. Reviewing the awards and taking notice of changes that may be needed in order to keep the awards up to date is essential.
Vice President for Public Affairs (Two Candidates - Listed Alphabetically by Last Name)
Lora Lee Howard, KY |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? NEAFCS has provided me with many enriching educational and leadership opportunities, helping create the Extension Professional I am today. I believe in our Family and Consumer Science profession and the positive impact we have on families and communities. Being an active NEAFCS member for over 30 years, I have performed many state and national leadership roles strengthening my professional development with each while serving the organizations. Our future and current NEAFCS members deserve recognition for excellence in programming, scholarship and leadership as well as innovative professional development opportunities. As Vice President for Public Affairs, I would use my leadership skills to market our programs and collective accomplishments.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? If elected NEAFCS Vice President for Public Affairs my goal would be to utilize open communication with state affiliates and individual members to apply the best solutions for the continued viability and sustainability of our association in these changing times.
Theresa Mayhew, NY |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? Keeping our public officials informed about the work we do is critically important in these challenging economic times. NEAFCS is in a unique position to advise, educate and inform elected representatives and other stakeholders about issues that impact and affect their constituents and communities. By engaging and communicating with our federal, state and local partners we provide opportunities for a healthy dialogue and exchange of ideas, challenges, resources and potential solutions. We actively become part of the solution thereby elevating opportunities to become integral participants in providing citizens with the knowledge, resources and critical thinking element they need to build strong and resilient communities.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? To encourage state affiliates and members to reach out to their public officials and involve them with some aspect of their programming efforts – whether it be as a keynote speaker or presenter at a conference, judging a contest or competition, serving on an ad-hoc committee or advisory board, or inviting them to flagship or signature events. I would also encourage affiliates and members to send updates (such as impact statements) to and to meet periodically with their elected representatives so they are aware of what NEAFCS affiliates and individual members are doing. We need to show our governmental leaders that Extension and the work that we do is cost-effective, timely, relevant, vital and transformational.
Central Region Director
Nancy Stehulak, OH |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? The National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Science has led me to find a group of people who are as passionate about encouraging people to make positive changes in their lives as I have been. I find I would like to spend more time encouraging this work. We are a group of people searching for innovative ways to encourage growth and development through classes, programs, series, websites, tweets, smiles, hugs and words.
I have enjoyed my work in writing news pieces and curriculum and would like to have a hand in encouraging others in expecting great things from the work that we do in the communities we serve.
The certifications that I have worked toward in facilitation and in board development should serve me well in this position serving the members of NEAFCS. A website called ‘Building Dynamic Groups’ has been online for over ten years and is the work of this applicant in conjunction with other authors.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? The position of Central Regional Director is designed to encourage communication and participation with members about their work and to help connect our work in a greater way across the states and the nation. I would provide time and talent to that effort in ways that can draw members in and encourage delight and celebration in the work we do as educators.
Southern Region Director
Susan Routh, OK |
A. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I have been a member of OEAFCS for eight years joining after I was hired in 2004. I have served as an officer of the Oklahoma affiliate since 2007. I was nominated and elected as Secretary-elect with the term beginning in 2007 with the expectation to begin serving as Secretary in 2008. The Secretary serving at that time resigned in 2007 and I was asked to begin my term a year earlier than expected to complete the remaining term. OEAFCS is a strong affiliate with over 80 members. As President, I have represented OEAFCS at the 2012 and 2013 JCEP leadership conferences. I attended the 2012 PILD conference as a representative of Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service and OEAFCS.
During 2012-13, the Executive Board has focused on establishing the IRS 501(c)3 status for OEAFCS. An ad hoc committee was established to research cost and procedure of becoming a non-profit organization. This process has involved attending trainings by the Center for Non-Profit Organizations of Oklahoma and establishing discussions with the Oklahoma State University Foundation, Oklahoma 4-H Foundation, and the NEAFCS Executive Board. To date, this process has continued with the goal of finalizing a decision in the Spring of 2013.
For the 2013 annual meeting of OEAFCS, we have invited the Lieutenant Governor to speak to the membership. In addition, we have invited field aids of Oklahoma Congressmen to attend the annual session. Creating and maintaining rapport with federal and state decision makers is critical.
To have the opportunity to serve as the Southern Region Director on the NEAFCS Board would be an honor and responsibility that I hold in high regard. The member in this position serves as a liaison between Southern Region state affiliates and the National Executive Board. This responsibility would also involve communication with Southern Region state affiliates and insure that information would be shared in a timely manner. Serving as an NEAFCS Board member would provide opportunities to share Extension’s impact in the Southern Region and promote Extension and Family and Consumer Sciences at a national level. I would truly enjoy the challenge and opportunity to share Extension success stories from the Southern Region.
B. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? Communication would be a top priority. Extension and Family and Consumer Sciences success stories are very important to all levels of Extension (county, state, and nationally). I would concentrate on communication between Southern Region state affiliates and the National Executive Board so that these stories of impact could be shared at all three levels.