NEAFCS Webinars Coming Soon to a Screen Near You!
Leif Albertson (AK), Chair Webinar Subcommittee
Following several very popular web-based presentations, the NEAFCS webinar committee has been working hard to arrange more exciting, peer reviewed, webinars. Submitted proposal topics range from retirement planning to community-based exercise programs. In May, the members-only webinar, There’s an App for That!, proved so popular it was offered twice meeting the space limits on both occasions! If you missed it, find it archived on the NEAFCS website.
Over the next few months, expect to see more topics to educate and stimulate you professionally. In the mean time, please consider submitting your own proposal. Webinars are easy to deliver and offer access to a wide and diverse audience. Don’t Delay!
Follow this link and submit your proposal today.