Baking for Special Needs: Galaxy IV Pre-conference Workshop
Sharon Davis, FCS Education, Home Baking Association
Don't miss registering for the Galaxy IV pre-conference workshop, Baking for Special Needs, Monday, September 16, 2013, 1:00 to 5:00 pm, at the Renaissance Hotel.
The non-profit Home Baking Association's Family & Consumer Sciences staff is preparing a four-hour course including:
- speakers,
- demonstrations and resources from its baking test kitchens,
- consumer and ingredient science professionals,
- personal finance and
- nutrition resources.
Multiple speakers will offer research-based methods and links to serve the wide range of cooperative extension audiences. Take away resources to apply with FCS, EFNP, SNAP, 4-H & Youth, in-school and out-of-school enrichment and Community Development programs that includes a flash drive of resources and much more.
PHOTO: FCS baking scientists compare sweetener variables on rate of yeast fermentation. MN FACS Conference, February 8, 2013.