Table of Contents
President's Message
And The Winner Is ... NEAFCS!
Award Sponsorships
PILD Update
Consider a Leadership Role with NEAFCS
2015 Silent Auction
Winter Board Meeting Highlights
Meet the Board – Southern Region Director
Parliamentary Pointers - Quorum
Important Dates
Members-only Webinar: Cooperative Extension and Health Literacy: Exploring the Connection March 1
2016 Affiliate Impact Statement Data Reports Due Feb 16
PILD 1st Timers Scholarship Winners Notified March 1
PILD Early Bird Registration Due March 18
PILD Hotel Room Block Closes March 18
JCEP Leadership Conference Feb 10-11
Public Issues Leadership Conference April 10-13
NEAFCS 2016 Annual Session Sept 12-15 Big Sky, MT
NEAFCS 2017 Annual Session Oct 15-19 Omaha, NE
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session Sept 24-27 San Antonio, TX
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National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 140 Island Way, Ste 316 Clearwater Beach, FL 33767 (561) 477-8100 [email protected]
President's Message Debby Mathews (AL), NEAFCS President
Dear NEAFCS members:
As projects begin, corrections usually must be made! Those on the NEAFCS Executive Board have certainly experienced this truism. One correction we made in January was in the Annual Session 2016 logo. Thanks to some observant members, we learned we needed to correct the end date on the logo. Please note that the dates for Annual Session 2016 in Big Sky are September 12-15. Please get rid of anything that has other dates for Annual Session. Life is confusing enough without that complication!
Another correction that came to my attention minutes after the January eNEAFCS was released was that the wrong hidden icon was inserted last month. Last year’s key –a very small key I might add-was hidden rather than the engaged gear icon. Regardless, twelve eagle–eyed members found the icon and reported to me they had found it, they hoped! They had, and that does say something about them. It says that they are observant, and that they know how to act on a hunch. So, those twelve get kudos for being alert and instinctive.
Here is more info on the hidden icon contest. First, the winner for last year (per Past President Peg Ehlers), was Megihann Leininger from Purdue Extension. A belated congratulations to you, Megihann! Now, here is a bit of good news for this year. According to the contest guidelines, the first three to respond each month are entered into the drawing for a free registration. For January, that was Erica Tobe, Lorrie Coop and Judy Corbus. I have printed out the response emails from those qualified so far and will conduct a drawing using randomly assigned numbers to contenders in August. Stay tuned and stay alert. Remember to respond to me directly at [email protected] when you find the engaged gear icon.
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And The Winner Is ... NEAFCS! Theresa Mayhew (NY), President-Elect
This is an incredibly busy time of year for NEAFCS members! Not only is it awards season in Hollywood, but in our organization, too! Members have submitted award applications and are going through the judging process in their respective states. JCEP conferences are aplenty with the Leadership Conference taking place February 10-11 and the PILD Conference April 10-13. Impact statement data collection and compilation is underway. Living Well Month is fast approaching. Webinars are being scheduled to meet member needs. Additionally, things are heating up as we begin our journey towards Big Sky, MT, in September.
Your Executive Committee has been busy, too. We’ve been working closely with our national office, standing and sub-committees and affiliate officers. We are in the process of drafting a Strategic Plan for 2017-2020 that will guide our organization. We are working on Annual Sessions 2017, 2018, and looking ahead to 2019. President Debby, Past President Peg and I will be representing NEAFCS at this month’s JCEP Winter Board meeting which precedes the Leadership Conference. Regional Directors Daryl Minch and Joey Peutz will lead the NEAFCS meeting times during the leadership conference.
These are exciting and demanding times. Many of us are not only responsible for developing programs in our communities but securing funding to implement those programs. We serve on local boards and community organization committees. Some of us are pursuing advanced degrees or writing or reviewing articles for our Journal. There are so many layers to our work as FCS educators that it’s sometimes difficult to neatly compartmentalize what we do. But that can be an asset when we are flexible in thinking about our roles. The world is changing and so are we. That we can approach these challenges together and, in the process, make ourselves stronger and more resilient is one of our greatest strengths.
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NEAFCS Awards Sponsorships Dianne Gertson (TX), Vice President for Awards & Recognition
At our NEAFCS Annual Session each year, we come together to recognize our peers for successful programming efforts with the NEAFCS Awards program. Through our programming efforts we are able to improve the lives of families and individuals and work to promote healthy living and healthy lifestyles in the communities that we serve.
Many of the awards provide an annual session scholarship or a cash award to the lucky winner! Scholarships and cash prizes range from $300 to $500. As you may know, the Executive Board has sponsored the Environmental Award for the last several years. NEAFCS and the Executive Board are now offering Affiliates the opportunity to support our awards program by sponsoring awards. Affiliates may sponsor an entire award or contribute a lesser amount to the overall awards program. Sponsorships will be recognized during the Awards Ceremony and in the Awards Ceremony program. Award sponsorships are a one-year commitment.
These awards provide cash awards:
Greenwood Frysinger: $400 Food Safety: $500 Mary Wells Diversity: $500 Housing Outreach (2 given): $300
The following awards offer Annual Session Scholarships:
Florence Hall: $300 Program Excellence: $300 Early Childhood Child Care: $300 Marketing Package: $300 Community Partnership: $300 Family Health and Wellness: $300 Human Development / Family Relationships: $300 School Wellness: $300 Social Networking: $300
We hope that NEAFCS Affiliates will contribute to our efforts in recognizing outstanding programming efforts. The deadline for sponsorship is June 1, 2016. Affiliates interested in sponsoring may contact Dianne Gertson, VP for Awards and Recognition at [email protected].
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PILD Update: Register Now, 1st Timer’s Scholarships Awarded Glenda Hyde (OR), VIce President for Public Affairs
“Innovation: The Story of Extension” is this year’s theme at the Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference. It is April 10-13 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Crystal City, VA. Highlights include a Washington, DC tour; USDA, NIFA & ECOP updates; presentations by Extension colleagues; National Program Leader Town Hall discussions and panel session; States Night Out; and professional association meetings. The Conference culminates with individual state congressional and agency visits. A mobile workshop at the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) for those not participating in state congressional visits is planned.
NEAFCS state affiliates are preparing to send representatives to attend this jam-packed, informational and motivational conference which is sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). Registration information is available now at Early Bird Registration is $400.00.
The 2016 NEAFCS PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarships have been awarded to NEAFCS members to broaden understanding of public policy issues that impact Extension and Extension clientele, enhance public policy education skills and learn how the changing political environment affects support for Extension. Participants will also strengthen existing partnerships and explore new linkages with local, state, and federal agencies. Congratulations to: Hope Wilson AZ; Judith Corbus FL; Leigh Anne Aaron, GA; Barb Wollan, IA; Dale Kehr, IL; Demarcus Sneed, IN; Kylie Ludwig, KS; Vicki Wynn, KY; Carolyn Robinson, LA; Shauna Henley, MD; Maude Harris, MO; Kimberly Gowdy, MS; Deborah McGiffin, NC; Holly Arnold, ND; Shannon Carter, OH; Mary Ehret, PA; Misty Layne-Watkins, TN; Michelle Allen, TX; GaeLynne Peterson, UT; and Jeanne Walsh, WI.
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Consider a Leadership Role with NEAFCS Peggy Ehlers (IN), Immediate Past President
Have you ever considered a leadership role with NEAFCS? Our association needs your help, we are looking for qualified individuals who are willing to take an active leadership role. This year at annual session we will be electing a President – elect, Secretary, Vice President of Professional Development, Vice President of Member Resources, Regional Director of the Eastern Region and Regional Director of the Western Region.
If you have an interest please contact a member of the nominating committee, they are: Phyllis Lewis, Traci Armstrong, Carol Chandler, Amy Peterson, Edda Cotto-Rivera, Judy Kovach, Linda Law-Saunders, and Virginia Lee Brown.
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2015 Silent Auction Cheryl B. Spires (OH), Past Chair, Award Sponsorship and Support Subcommittee
A beautiful display of unique items was at the 2015 Silent Auction. The Award Sponsorship and Support Subcommittee of the Awards and Recognition Committee put on the Silent Auction. The Subcommittee’s Goal and Objectives are:
Goal: To provide financial support for the Awards Fund through award sponsorship and auction proceeds.
- Raise money annually for award fund development through the Silent Auction.
- Continually seek out and recruit new sponsors for awards.
- Establish protocol for award fund development to increase amount and/or number of awards.
NEAFCS members supported the goal well this year. A strong subcommittee and many volunteers helped at the Greenbrier Resort. Our perfect location was next to the registration booth. We were able to accept items and set up the auction in the same spot so that moving items around the resort was not necessary. Tonya Johnson, OR, chair-elect, and Liz Gardner McBee, OK, apprentice, were amazing supporters. I predict Big Sky, Montana will have an even better Silent Auction! Here are stats to fill you with gratefulness and awe.
Total amount of money raised: $5,000 Number of Affiliates that donated items: 37 Number of Corporate Exhibitors that donated items: 3 Number of items donated: 131
Tonya is planning our 2016 Annual Session Silent Auction. Please consider joining this subcommittee if you can assist in getting items donated, help the week of the event, or have some great ideas to share. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. See you in Montana!
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NEAFCS Winter Board Meeting Julie Cascio (AK), Secretary
The Winter Board meeting in January was a focused 2 ½ days! President Debby Mathews led the board addressing NEAFCS work. Treasurer Nancy Stehulak briefed the Board on how to read financial reports. Terri Mayhew, president-elect, will chair an ad-hoc committee on the possibility of paraprofessional membership category. Jody Rosen Atkins, The Association Source, gave information on the National Office’s role. She highlighted ways to use Conference planner report was given by Cindy Rosen. Tara Andrews and Sheila Friedrich, Big Sky, Montana co-liaisons, presented their progress toward the 2016 Annual Session. Pre-conference and keynote speakers sound fascinating. Their Welcome Contracts for pre-conference and keynote speakers are being received. Their plans for the Welcome Event will set a wonderful stage for Annual Session.
Regional Directors, Karen Munden –Southern, Becky Travnicheck-Central, Joey Peutz-Western, and Daryl Minch-Eastern, shared details on their work with Affiliate Presidents, use of Dining-In, plans for JCEP Leadership events, and beginning ideas for Arrangements Committees.
Each VP shared work with the subcommittees in their areas.
Public Affairs Glenda Hyde updated information on the PILD scholarships, reminded everyone that impact statements are due in February. She is working on marketing items and plans to change the Living Well materials.
Member Resources Margie Memmott shared member subcommittee reports. She is working hard with the Membership subcommittee to promote the Life Membership category, and encourage student membership. Committee members are investigating ways to have concurrent sessions or webinars on subcommittee topics such as applying for JNEAFCS articles.
Professional Development In addition to work on upcoming Annual Sessions, Patty Merk discussed developing professional development webinars.
Awards Dianne Gertson shared on-line award application process.
For more details, check out the minutes at the
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Meet the Board Karen Munden (VA), Southern Region Director
Thanks to the Southern Region for supporting me, and a special thanks to Susan Routh for her encouraging words in applying for this position.
My professional career began at Virginia State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Home Economics in Business; after which I worked in retail management for seven years. I received a Master’s degree in Merchandising Management, while working as an Academic Advisor and a Graduate Student Recruiter at Michigan State University. Later I worked as a Student Recruiter for the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. I was also employed as a School Administrator for a charter school in Pennsylvania. I also worked for the United States Department of Transportation in Washington, DC as a Project Manager. In 2001, I returned home to Virginia Beach to begin my career with Virginia Cooperative Extension as a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent.
Although I have never been married and have no children; my family is very important to me. My parents were married for 60 years until my mother’s death in 2014. I am the middle daughter of three girls. Growing up in Virginia Beach on a small farm gave me the opportunity to observe farm life as well as being exposed to cultures from around the world due to the large local military population and tourist industry. While growing up my family would take summer vacations, which provided me the opportunity to experience and embrace my passion of other cultures and customs. Thus, I continue traveling exploring different places for new adventures.
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Parliamentary Pointers - Quorum Janice Strand (NM), Professional Registered Parliamentarian
Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th edition, 2000 states that a quorum is “the minimum number of members required to be present at an assembly or meeting before it can validly proceed to transact business”
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition, p. 21 states: “The minimum number of members who must be present at the meetings of a deliberative assembly for business to be validly transacted is the quorum of the assembly. The requirement of a quorum is a protection against totally unrepresentative action in the name of the body by an unduly small number of persons.”
The quorum for a monthly meeting, board meeting, or executive committee meeting is usually stated in the bylaws. The bylaws may state a definite number that constitute a quorum. Occasionally bylaws state that a percentage of the membership constitutes a quorum. The disadvantage of this is that if membership fluctuates, the number must be computed dependent upon present membership.
The decision that must be made when establishing a quorum is…. What is the number of members that can be expected to be present and make decisions for the membership? There are organizations that have over 100 members but few turn out for monthly/yearly meetings. The quorum can be 10 or 20 people if that is the largest number that can reasonably be depended upon to be present at a meeting.
Bylaws cannot be suspended; therefore, if the quorum is to be changed, the bylaws must be amended. A notice may be in a meeting announcement or at the meeting before the amendment is to be adopted. It is recommended that the motion to amend be made to “strike out” the stated quorum and “insert” the recommended quorum.
In the absence of a quorum, there are four actions that can be taken.
- The meeting can be adjourned.
- A member can make the motion to Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn. If adopted, this motion makes it possible to have an adjourned meeting to carry out the agenda of this meeting; the adjourned meeting would follow the same agenda set for this meeting. The adjourned meeting must be held before the next regular meeting would be scheduled.
- The chairman/president can state that there will be a recess until enough members arrive to have a quorum.
- Steps can be taken to obtain a quorum; members can be called and reminded of the meeting.
Business can be transacted when a quorum is reached.
Information on agenda can be reviewed in Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition, (RONR) pp. 353-375.
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