2012 Silent Auction
Lisa Treiber, (MI), Chair, Awards Sponsorship and Support sub-committee
The 2012 Silent Auction was a popular event at this year’s Annual Session in Columbus, OH. Thank you to everyone who donated items, joined in the bidding process, and volunteered their efforts to make the Silent Auction a great success!
There were 101 items received from conference attendees and one exhibitor. The items donated included handmade items, such as jewelry, quilted, knitted and sewn items. Baskets of specialty products, books and beautiful items for one’s home were also among the treasures donated. The proceeds from the Silent Auction each year go to the Educational Awards Fund. This year the Auction raised $2,653. Everyone who participated in the Silent Auction should be congratulated for their role in making this event a success!
If you are interested in serving on a national committee, next year would be a great year to try it out! Or, if you have served on other committees and are thinking about trying a different one, this is a good time to look into what this group has to offer! We need a Chair for next year’s event at Galaxy in Pittsburgh. Perhaps there are two Affiliates who would like to co-chair this event. Being part of the Silent Auction involves a little work prior to Annual Session and some work at the Annual Session, but with a good committee, it is fun and as they say, “many hands make light work.” If you would be interested in participating on this sub-committee, go to the NEAFCS website, http://www.neafcs.org/, and click on "Join A Committee," under the "Member Resources" tab. For the Silent Auction, you will want to choose Awards & Recognition: Sponsorship & Support sub-committee. However, there are many other committees from which you can choose. There is no time like now to go ahead and sign up for a committee! Make a difference in your involvement in our professional association and meet other NEAFCS members from other states. It is a win-win for everyone!
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