Other News & Articles
NEAFCS Web Site Undergoing Extreme Makover Jody Rosen Atkins, NEAFCS Executive Director
The NEAFCS Web site is undergoing a dramatic new redesign to bring greater value to and enhance your membership experience. The new site temporarily can be found at neafcs.memberclicks.net, until we fully transition neafcs.org to the new server.
Pre-conference Workshop: What are the Five “F’s” to Creating a Successful Retirement? Reviewed by Cheryl Case (KY), Kentucky County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Science
Whether you are a few months or several years away from retirement, Mary Ann Masur, told participants there are ways to make the transition from Extension to retirement easier, not only for yourself but also your co-workers and family.
2012 NEAFCS Annual Conference Opening Keynote Summary Margaret Jenkins (OH)
Dr. E. Gordon Gee, President of The Ohio State University, dazzled the crowd with his keynote presentation at the opening general session of the 2012 Annual Conference. Dr. Gee identified with the conference theme “EXPLORING Our Strengths, DISCOVERING Our Potential, LEADING the Way to Our Future.” He shared memories of growing up in Vernal, Utah followed by graduation from the University of Utah with an honors degree in history and earning his J.D. and Ed.D. degrees from Columbia University.
Success is an Attitude Review on Pamela Jett’s Presentation on Wednesday, September 26th at the NEAFCS Anuual Session Pat Brinkman
If you missed Wednesday morning’s presentation of “Success is an Attitude” by Pamela Jett you missed some tools you can use. Ms. Jett reminded all of us that happier people are healthier and live longer.
Closing General Session By Patty Merk (AZ), Program Development Committee, Program Sub-committee
Dr. Keith Smith, Director of Ohio State Extension capped off the NEAFCS general session on Friday, September 28, 2012. The capnote presentation, “Leading the Way to the Future: Trust is Essential for Professional and Personal Success” was based on the book by Stephen M.R. Covey, The Speed of Trust.
Dr. Caroline E. Crocoll Honored as the 2012 Friend of NEAFCS By Marsha Lockard (ID), NEAFCS Past President
The recipient of the Friend of NEAFCS award is an individual or organization, such as business or industry, Extension specialist or administrator within or outside of the Family and Consumer Sciences program, media professional, policymaker, USDA or NIFA administrative staff, who have made significant contributions to Extension Family and Consumer Sciences education program on a multi-state or national level.
O-HI-O: Annual Session Follow Up for Attendees and Non-Attendees Alike Sonja Koukel (NM), Vice President for Professional Development
A fun time was had by all who attended the Annual Session in Columbus, OH, this year. We extend heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the Ohio Affiliate Co-liaisons, Susan Crusey and Cindy Oliveri, for delivering an exciting and informative conference. Special thanks go out to the National Office staff, The Ohio State University administration, and all the committee members, friends and family members whose hard work and commitment made this successful conference a reality.
A Brief Re-Cap of the Southern Region Business Meeting Marian Ross (TX), Southern Region Director
As we all face shrinking budgets and limited travel funds, both personally and professionally, I hope that if you have not had the opportunity to attend an Annual Session, that you will consider attending one in the next couple of years. Next year, our Annual Session will be a part of Galaxy in Pittsburgh, PA and, in 2014, the Annual Session comes back to the South and will be hosted in Lexington, KY.
Time to Renew Your Membership Peg Ehlers (IN), NEAFCS Treasurer
With Autumn comes the membership renewal period, with a deadline for national dues to arrive at the NEAFCS national office no later than December 1, 2012. Members are reminded to renew their memberships online and pay annual dues (via their Affiliate Treasurer) in order to meet the deadline. |
President's Message
Carol Chandler (OH), 2012-2013 NEAFCS President
NEAFCS Friends,
What a unique privilege it was to be installed as your national president in my home state with so many of my family and friends in attendance! Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your national president. I will do my best to work effectively with the national board to serve the best interest of our profession and our association.
We had a great time at Annual Session in Columbus, Ohio! Those in attendance had opportunities to network with colleagues from across the country - renewing old friendships and making new ones. We visited new places, took part in professional development opportunities, recognized leaders and award winners, and completed association business. (Some of us even took in some great shopping!) Many returned home inspired and motivated by those with which they interacted during the week’s activities. Special thanks to Cindy Oliveri and Susan Crusey, Ohio’s co-liaisons, along with the entire Ohio delegation, for their leadership and commitment to NEAFCS. They spent many hours planning an exciting and educational Annual Session.
Next year, we will be holding our Annual Session at the Galaxy Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, September 15 – 20. The theme for the conference will be Bridging the Centuries – A New Era for Extension. I am intrigued by that theme because I believe that Family and Consumer Sciences provides the bridge needed by all of the individuals and families with which we work to deal with increasingly complex societal issues such as work-and-family, health care, child and elder care, family and community violence and crime, global economics and politics, and technology usage.
Most of us have come to the realization that we in Extension are in a constant state of change. While we continue to provide updated research rooted information on traditional topics, we also strive to be prepared to address emerging issues that face our clientele and our communities.
Some of us embrace change more quickly than others. As Family & Consumer Sciences professionals, we understand that our field will forever be in a state of transformation. However, understanding it and accepting it can be two very different things. It is often difficult for us to “let go” of programs and projects in which we have invested so much time and effort….so much of ourselves. But sometimes we need to get ahead by letting go.
During Annual Session, our Wednesday general session speaker, Pamela Jett, gave us a number of strategies for success. All of the things that Pamela talked to us about were rooted in attitude. Think about how your negative attitudes might be slowing your progress on adopting changes in your work that will launch you forward to working with new audiences, addressing evolving issues, teaching new information and contributing to a new era in Family & Consumer Sciences.

As we look toward our 2013 conference and further discussion of a new era in Extension and Family Consumer Sciences, we know that we don’t just close the door on one era and begin working in a new one. One doesn’t just come to a screeching halt so that the other can begin. The changes are much more subtle than that.
Extension Family & Consumer Sciences is a catalyst to bring issues into action-oriented, skill-building educational programs. Extension provides a platform for individuals and families to move into a new era by gaining a strong foundation of the knowledge and skills needed for successfully living and working in the 21st century.
What will each of us do to help move us into a new era for Family & Consumer Sciences? And what role will NEAFCS take in leading the way to our future?
I believe that we are up to the challenge! As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." We have it within us to adapt to change and to strengthen the impact that Family & Consumer Sciences programs and information have on individuals, families and communities.
Consider becoming more engaged in your professional association this year. We need YOU! Join a committee, apply for awards, run for an office, mentor a new professional. Take an active part in leading the way to the future and a new era for Family & Consumer Sciences.
Until next month,
About the eNEAFCS Newsletter
eNEAFCS is published monthly by the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. www.neafcs.org, 561-477-8100.
The copy deadline for articles, calendar items and announcements for the eNEAFCS newsletter is the first Friday of each month. All submissions must be made electronically to: [email protected].
eNEAFCS is edited by Rhea Bentley, NEAFCS Secretary.