Dr. Caroline E. Crocoll Honored as the 2012 Friend of NEAFCSMarsha Lockard (ID), NEAFCS Past President The recipient of the Friend of NEAFCS award is an individual or organization, such as business or industry, Extension specialist or administrator within or outside of the Family and Consumer Sciences program, media professional, policymaker, USDA or NIFA administrative staff, who have made significant contributions to Extension Family and Consumer Sciences education program on a multi-state or national level. The 2012 Friend of NEAFCS honoree is well known for her work in the Land-Grant University System and for her efforts to promote brand recognition for the profession of Family and Consumer Sciences. Dr. Caroline Crocoll is the director of the division of Family and Consumer Sciences at NIFA and truly a friend to NEAFCS. She has served in a variety of position with increasing leadership responsibilities within NIFA. Dr. Crocoll has initiated major changes in human sciences program and has expanded NIFA’s present and prominence in the human dimensions of food and agriculture by facilitating partnerships to align and integrate programs across federal agencies. Caroline has been instrumental in working to bring recognition to our profession and the vital education that we provide to individuals across the country and throughout the world. Caroline received her Bachelor of Science degree from State University of New York in psychology, her Master’s degree from Long Island University in Counseling and Human Development and her PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. We thank Dr. Crocoll for her contributions to our profession and for her years of service to our organization and to the Land Grant System. We are honored to recognize her as the 2012 Friend of NEAFCS. << Back to Newsletter |