O-HI-O: Annual Session Follow Up for Attendees and Non-Attendees Alike

Sonja Koukel (NM), Vice President for Professional Development

A fun time was had by all who attended the Annual Session in Columbus, OH, this year. We extend heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the Ohio Affiliate Co-liaisons, Susan Crusey and Cindy Oliveri, for delivering an exciting and informative conference. Special thanks go out to the National Office staff, The Ohio State University administration, and all the committee members, friends and family members whose hard work and commitment made this successful conference a reality.


The Exhibit Hall was a busy place with 36 exhibitors providing information, educational materials and free give-aways. In addition to the booths, Exhibit Forums were presented on topics including financial literacy, family meals research, MyPlate and food shopping skills. The exhibitors commented on the friendliness of our attendees and the number of members who took time to thank them for their participation. Thanks to everyone who connected with the exhibitors.

Concurrent Sessions

Please consider submitting proposals for annual sessions. For 2012, there were 108 proposals for concurrent sessions with a 67% acceptance rate. Proposals for the Showcase of Excellence totaled 25 with a 96% acceptance rate.

CEU/PDU Forms Available for Download for Attendees

For those who attended Annual Session, the CEU and PDU forms are available on the 2012 Annual Session & Exhibits webpage. Click on this NEAFCS website link to access the forms.

While you’re on the website, view the 2012 Annual Session Award Winners photo slideshow. Congratulations to all our winners! And, check back often as the site is continuously updated.

Make Plans to Attend Galaxy IV

Join your fellow NEAFCS members and celebrate the diversity of the Extension System at the Galaxy IV Conference themed: Bridging the Centuries: A New Era for Extension. Save the dates: September 16-20, 2013 in Pittsburgh, PA.

If you are not currently a committee member, consider signing up and being active in the conference. There are a variety of subcommittees that can use your support and expertise. You are encouraged to be an active part of your professional organization as NEAFCS is only as strong as its members. Visit the NEAFCS homepage and use the drop down menu nested under “About NEAFCS.” From here, access information about the various committees and use the link to sign up. We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburg!

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