A Brief Re-Cap of the Southern Region Business Meeting

Marian Ross (TX), NEAFCS Southern Region Director

As we all face shrinking budgets and limited travel funds, both personally and professionally, I hope that if you have not had the opportunity to attend an Annual Session, that you will consider attending one in the next couple of years. Next year, our Annual Session will be a part of Galaxy in Pittsburgh, PA.  In  2014, the Annual Session comes back to the South, and will be hosted in Lexington, KY. There are some definite benefits to attending annual session, including networking with other Extension educators, the professional development workshops, the vendors and the Southern Region meeting. Did I really say that?  Yes, I did!  Regional meetings provide an opportunity to lay eyes on each other, discuss what is coming up, and how it may (or may not) affect the Affiliates. Invest in yourself professionally and see where that can take you.

Here is a brief recap of the Southern Region Meeting that was held on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (hope to see you next year):

Music from the southern states serenaded as we ate breakfast. We had over 140 members present at our early morning breakfast meeting.

Marian called the meeting to order at 8:08 a.m. in the Hayes Room of the Hyatt Regency Columbus.

Marian further discussed the Conference theme that was displayed as a part of the table decorations.  “Exploring our strengths,” an extending telescope - to help bring our strengths into focus, “Discovering our potential,” a magnifying glass - to magnify our positive outcomes, and “Leading the way to our future,” a compass - helps guide direction, are you directing the needle or are you following it? Or both?  A map of Texas was on the tables to help us to guide our exploration.

During our meeting, Amy Peterson, President, and Carol Chandler, President Elect, arrived and encouraged members to enjoy the full day of exhibits and State’s Night Out.  They were also displaying our new promotional/Marketing pieces that are available. These items were selected by the all four of the RDs and hopefully will appeal to all of the different personalities of our membership.

As a reminder, I am here for you!! Be sure to contact your elected officer before contacting the National Office. We'd love to hear from you.

Happy Fall Y’all!!

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